alan joesel

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Your chance has come at last to do the Blue Peter thing and send in suggestions for a name...

We're not trying to name a cutesy fluffy floppy-eared white labrador here.
Nor are we attempting to find a suitable monkier for a ponderous tortoise.
Nor indeed do we need appellations for piscine pets.

We do, however, need a new netname for a Scotsman who likes to kick the shit out of stuff in the name of fun (it's got something to do with Karate aftershave, I think).

Yes! "Gaisgeach" needs a new netname! Something as finger-friendly, memorable, playful, suggestive of things not at all in character, and possibly ripped off from GTA3 as "Pogo (The Monkey)". After all, if I can get away with it, anyone can.

So... suggestions in the comment box, folks!

Who knows, if he gets a decent netname he might even restart blogging. But let's get the name sorted first, eh.

posted @ 2:18 PM

Smart Programming
The programming tool in front of me is the very acme of artificial intelligence. I've just loaded some code into it. Its verdict?

No Structure

I couldn't agree more.